Featured Researchers

Featured Researchers

VIWell has successfully managed projects across the gamut of biomedical research. We have supported research ranging from basic biology and bench science to devices to clinical trials to quality improvement projects. Below we have highlighted a few of our recent projects and investigators.

All of Us Research Program

The All of Us Research Program (AoURP) is a large collaborative research cohort program sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that aims to enroll a diverse group of one million or more participants who provide survey data, biospecimens, physical measurements, and access to their electronic health records. Veterans Institute for Wellness and the VA have partnered together with the All of Us Research Program as a clinical research company and healthcare provider organization respectively since 2020. The AoURP currently has ten active VA Medical Center sites participating in the recruitment and enrollment of Veterans across the country with plans to add additional sites in the future. The enrollment activity is coordinated centrally under the direction of Co-Principal Investigators Philip Tsao, PhD., Sherry Sawyer, Ph.D., and Jason Vassy, M.D. Locally, the Indianapolis AoURP site is headed by clinical study coordinators Corey Tracey, Turquiose Burgess, and Katie Magyar.

The All of Us Research Program at the Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center in Indianapolis, IN is a groundbreaking study aimed to speed up biomedical breakthroughs and make significant advances in precision medicine. All of Us offers DNA sequencing that is typically used in ancestry and allergy testing free to all participants. As this historic effort grows, we want to continue to ensure that Veterans are represented. All Veterans interested in joining the study can visit www. Joinallofus.org/VA or call the Research Coordinator at 317.988.3639.

Matthew Allen, PhD

The Effect of Etelcalcetide on Bone-Tissue Properties and Calcification Propensity in End-Stage Kidney Disease

Our laboratory studies the tissue-level mechanisms responsible for musculoskeletal integrity in health and disease by utilizing numerous in vivo model systems that help investigators understand how disease and pharmaceutical intervention influence bone structure, cellular activity, tissue-level properties (such as mineralization, microdamage, collagen, hydration), and biomechanical properties.

A current focus of the lab, supported through the Veterans Institute for Wellness infrastructure, is on the study of how pharmacological interventions affect bone in the setting of chronic kidney disease.

Amale Lteif, MD

3/2017-Current: Roudebush VA Site sub-investigator of the PROMINENT Study (Pemafibrate to Reduce Cardiovascular Outcomes by Reducing Triglycerides in Patients with Diabetes)

1/2018- Current: Roudebush VA Site sub-investigator of the TRAVERSE study (Testosterone Replacement therapy for the Assessment of long-term Vascular Events and efficacy ResponSE in hypogonadal men)

1/2021- Current: Roudebush VA site sub-investigator of the PREVENTABLE study ( PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults)

James Walsh, MD, PhD

Pemafibrate to Reduce Cardiovascular Outcomes by Reducing Triglycerides in Diabetic Patients (PROMINENT)
This is a multicenter study evaluating major adverse cardiovascular events in subjects randomized to pemafibrate, a selective PPAR alpha agonist, or placebo.  Approximately 10,000 subjects with diabetic dyslipidemia already on statin therapy will be randomized to pemafibrate, a selective PPAR alpha agonist or placebo and followed for 5 years.  Secondary and tertiary endpoints include lipid parameters and diabetic microvascular complications

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Assessment of Long-Term Vascular Events and Efficacy Response in Hypogonadal Men (TRAVERSE)
This is a multicenter study evaluating the effect of testosterone on major adverse cardiovascular events.  Approximately 6,000 older men with hypogonadism and high vascular risk will be randomized to testosterone or placebo and followed for 5 years.  Additional efficacy and safety outcomes include sexual health, hypogonadal symptoms, prostate health, fractures, depression, and red cell counts.

Pragmatic Evaluation of Events and Benefits of Lipid lowering in Older Adults (PREVENTABLE)
This is a multicenter study evaluating the effect of atorvastatin on survival free of dementia or persistent disability.  Approximately 20,000 community-dwelling adults over 75 without clinically evident vascular disease will be randomized to atorvastatin or placebo and followed for 5 years.  Secondary endpoints include a composite of major adverse cardiovascular events and development of mild cognitive impairment or probable dementia.

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